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Reviews below, good reading,
Lion of Babylon - Marc Royce works for the State Department on special assignments, most of them rather routine, until two CIA operatives go missing in Iraq--kidnapped by Taliban forces bent on generating chaos in the region. Two others also drop out of sight--a high-placed Iraqi civilian and an American woman providing humanitarian aid. Are the disappearances linked? Rumors circulate in a whirl of misinformation.
Marc must unravel the truth in a covert operation requiring utmost secrecy--from both the Americans and the insurgents. But even more secret than the undercover operation is the underground dialogue taking place between sworn enemies. Will the ultimate Reconciler between ancient enemies, current foes, and fanatical religious factions be heard?
20 Retirement Decisions You Need to Make Right Now. You're in control of Your Retirement Future, Inside are twenty major financial decisions which could profoundly impact your lifestyle over the next forty years. For many retirees, these decisions come as a surprise and must be made hastily without proper consultation. But by reading the expert, commission-free advice in this book, you'll learn how to manage your assets and prepare for the best possible retirement.
- Do I have enough money to retire now?
- How will I cover my medical expenses during retirement?
- When should I begin taking Social Security?
- How much should I invest in stocks, bonds, and cash?
- What criteria should I use to identify the best investments?
- Should I cancel my life insurance policy?
- Should I pay off my mortgage at retirement?
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