Time to fill up your computer with more legally free music. I know it doesn't provide the thrill of the illegal stuff but at least you can't be arrested for it. Today we are starting with some new bands. Topping the list is a band called Telekinesis with a wonderful pop/rock song called Car Crash. This song hits all the right notes and has good rhythm to boot. The second new band is called Civil Twilight. They have a pop/punk sound and their free release is called Next to Me. My third song for the week is by the extremely talented Eric Lindell. This Love is Gonna Last is a rollicking quickie of a song that will leave your toes tapping. Time for some acoustical magic. Spanish Fly from Frank Viele and the Manhattan Project is as rough and ready of a rock ballad as any music fan could want. Finally we are going to go for some harder hitting rock. Dog Scratched Ear will take you back to some of The Ramones or X's early stuff. Henry's Funeral Shoe may need an easier to remember name but not a better sound. That's the tunes for this week so rock on.
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